The United States copyright law protects "original works of authorship," fixed in a tangible medium including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works, and can be used to protect original software coding and applications.
1. How do I protect my new software application?
2. Some other band is sampling my song. How do I stop them?
3. How do I protect my web page?
4. Do I need to register my copyright?
5. I’d like to collaborate with another artist. How do I make sure we are doing things right?
6. I’m in a cover band. Can I sing a Madonna song during my tour?
News organizations, entertainment companies, advertisers, publishers and individuals encounter copyright issues as they create and market new works and find new ways to use their works with new technologies. Because of our years of experience representing a wide variety of organizations we can provide advice that suits the practical realities of our clients’ businesses. We work closely with our clients to develop, distribute and protect their work in the United States and around the world.
We regularly assist clients in registering their works with the Copyright Office and in addressing chain-of-title and other copyright-ownership issues. This service is offered on a flat-fee basis, which does not include the government filing fees.
We represent and advise our clients in a wide range of transactions, helping them protect and maximize the value of their intellectual property and form collaborative relationships to create new works. We represent leading news and entertainment organizations, advertisers and technology companies in transactions large and small, and we also work with emerging companies and many successful authors, artists, composers, designers, and their heirs.